You may wonder what we mean by safety \ safeguarding...
It's essential that longside our wish for our triathletes to enjoy and succeed at their sport, we want to ensure that they are safe and happy at Phoenix Tri-MK and that the club act upon anything that prevents that.
That is what we call ‘safeguarding our members’. You may ask what are our triathletes being safeguarded from. (Please find attached to this page the British Triathlon Safeguarding Policy that Pheoinx Tri-MK as an affiliated member fully subscribe to, endorse and follow).
We want to make sure our triathletes are not being:
• Bullied.
• Treated differently to others.
• Hurt by another person on purpose.
• Not being listened to.
Preventing such behaviour is very important to us as an organisation.
We know any bullying or poor behaviour to our triahtletes would make them feel unhappy, so please do not feel they have to just put up with it. While we will do all we can to prevent anything happening, it is important if something or someone causes our triathletes to be unhappy that they tell someone a parent \ guardian, their coach, or any other adult they feel happy to speak to.
Any issues raised WILL be dealt with.
The Phoenix Tri-MK Child Safety Concern Referral Form on this page can be used to formalise any concerns. The Clubs Safety Officer will provide all the guidance and support needed.
Triathlon England Lead Safeguarding Officer
01509 226159
The Child Protection in Sport Unit
Office for Disability Issues
Childline UK Telephone
0800 1111
NSPCC National Centre Helpline
0808 800 5000